Weekend workshop for choir leaders, music teachers and ensemble singers.
The Real Rhythmic Choir
Where: Tampere, Finland
When: April 6-7, 2024, with an introduction online on March 17, via Zoom
Time: 9:30 am–4 pm, Saturday & Sunday
Price: 200€
Teacher: Peder Karlsson
Language: English
Fun and Focus
Singer-centered practice.
Workshop contents
The main purpose of this workshop is to provide participants with concrete tools for singers’ musical and physical understanding of the repertoire of your choir.
You will get an overview of a holistic pedagogical system that includes exercises as well as methodology, seen partly from a singers’ point of view.
What to expect from this workshop?
You will gain new input on leadership for choir singing in pulse-based music, including planning and execution of group rehearsals.
In a culture where the choir leader is expected to ”know it all”, little emphasis is typically given to know- ledge and abilities of the singers, and how this can be developed.
Fun and focused practice
The exercises that we will sing together highlight various common challenges in vocal music that you probably have experienced many times with your choir, but perhaps haven’t discussed a lot with other choir leaders.
On the second day of the workshop, there will be a rehearsal choir demonstrating the rehearsal tools, guided by Peder, with room for participants to try out exercises learned on the first day.
The course materials are in an online classroom, with an option for going deeper into various topics in a discussion forum.
Nine types of skills
How can choir singers develop abilities that are fundamental to singing together?
This short presentation (nine minutes) gives an overview of skills available to any choir singer – through practice.